Abhishek Fund :
Daily Abhishek Pooja of Shri Sai Statue is done by
Sansthan Trust on behalf of Sai devotees. Besides this
collective Abhishek Pooja's are done in the Abhishek Hall
by the devotees. For this pooja Rs. 101 are charged for
every couple (Husband-wife). Pooja material is supplied by
the Sansthan Trust. Donation is also accepted for
Abhishek fund.
Naivedya Fund :
Every day Naivedya is offered to Shri Saibaba in the
temple. Donation is accepted for this purpose.
Festival Fund :
Shri Ramnavami, Shri Gurupournima and Shri Saibaba
Punyatithi are celebrated by Sansthan Trust in Shirdi every
year. For that expenditures,donation is accepted in this
4) Kothi ( Dhoop-Deep ) Fund :
Daily Pooja is performed in Samadhi Temple, Dwarkamai,
Gurusthan and Chawadi. This fund is used for pooja
material of this pooja. Donation is always accepted in
this Fund.
5) Shri Sai Satyvrat (Satyanarayan) Fund :
Sansthan Trust arranges daily satyavrat pooja of Shri Saibaba in
the morning i.e. 8.00 am to 9.00 am and 10.30 am to 11.30
am. Rs. 100/- are charged for this for a couple
(Husband-wife). Pooja material is supplied by the Sansthan
Donation is also accepted for this purpose.
Note : The Income Tax deduction under section
80-G is not applicable for the amounts of donations for
these religious funds.